Pangaea Data is Attending the JPM Healthcare Conference

JAMIA Publication:The Potential and Pitfalls of using a LLM as a Clinical Assistant

Full Steam Ahead: How AI Can Transform the Genetics Journey in Precision Medicine

Pangaea Data Selected for NVIDIA & Microsoft’s New AI Initiative

From Thin Ice to Solid Ground: How AI is Changing Clinical Practice for the Better


Implementation and relevance of FAIR data principles in biopharmaceutical R&D

Abstract: "Biopharmaceutical industry R&D, and indeed other life sciences R&D such as biomedical, environmental, agricultural and food production, is becoming increasingly data-driven and can significantly improve its efficiency and effectiveness by implementing the FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) guiding principles for scientific data management and stewardship.

By so doing, the plethora of new and powerful analytical tools such as artificial intelligence and machine learning will be able, automatically and at scale, to access the data from which they learn, and on which they thrive. FAIR is a fundamental enabler for digital transformation.”

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