JAMIA Publication:The Potential and Pitfalls of using a LLM as a Clinical Assistant

Predicting Length-of-Stay & Risk of Mortality for ICU Patients

Pangaea Data Awarded Top Tier Co-Sell Partnership Status by Microsoft

Pangaea Named ‘Digital Solution of the Year’ by UK Government’s Department for International Trade

How can Pharma & Healthcare Collaborate in a Financially Sustainable & Scalable Manner to Improve Outcomes?

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Pangaea exhibits at BioData in Basel

We’ve made the decision to transfer BioData World Congress into a digital format to protect the health and safety of our cherished community.

We are adopting new platforms and technologies to provide you with as interactive and serendipitous meeting as we can to enable new valuable connections and allow for meaningful discussions.

Never before has there been a time where the community has been pushed to foster digital transformation in such a rapid manner. The pandemic has shown us the importance of collaboration and sustainable partnerships. It is incredibly important that we share lessons learnt and exchange ideas in this time. We welcome you all to join and co-create our new digital future.

Read more here