Pangaea Data is Attending the JPM Healthcare Conference

JAMIA Publication:The Potential and Pitfalls of using a LLM as a Clinical Assistant

Full Steam Ahead: How AI Can Transform the Genetics Journey in Precision Medicine

Pangaea Data Selected for NVIDIA & Microsoft’s New AI Initiative

From Thin Ice to Solid Ground: How AI is Changing Clinical Practice for the Better


Natural Language Generation is Helping Improve Patient Outcomes and Automatically Generate Regulatory Reports

This white paper discusses the application of NLG through Pangaea’s pioneering work.

Natural Language Generation (NLG) is a branch of AI, which enables a computer to generate coherent sentences. This white paper discusses the application of NLG through Pangaea’s pioneering work, which has shown to help clinicians and scientists improve patient outcomes and focus on their priorities by automatically summarizing electronic health records, creating synthetic data and generating regulatory reports.

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