JAMIA Publication:The Potential and Pitfalls of using a LLM as a Clinical Assistant

Predicting Length-of-Stay & Risk of Mortality for ICU Patients

Pangaea Data Awarded Top Tier Co-Sell Partnership Status by Microsoft

Pangaea Named ‘Digital Solution of the Year’ by UK Government’s Department for International Trade

WHITEPAPER: How can Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Providers Collaborate in a Financially Sustainable & Scalable Manner to Improve Patient Outcomes?

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Microsoft Interviews Pangaea’s Founder

Microsoft has published an article on Pangaea’s work, How Pangaea Data Uses Azure for a Medical AI Tool that Improves Patient Outcomes.

Microsoft sat down with our founder, Dr. Vibhor Gupta, to learn more about how our AI-driven technology is helping to extract and summarize patient records in a privacy-preserving manner. The article features our recent study, which was presented by oncologists and surgeons last week at the HIMSS conference, in which our novel AI has proven to find 6x more cancer patients with cachexia. 

Read the Full Article Here