Pangaea Data is Attending the JPM Healthcare Conference

JAMIA Publication:The Potential and Pitfalls of using a LLM as a Clinical Assistant

Full Steam Ahead: How AI Can Transform the Genetics Journey in Precision Medicine

Pangaea Data Selected for NVIDIA & Microsoft’s New AI Initiative

From Thin Ice to Solid Ground: How AI is Changing Clinical Practice for the Better


Pangaea is Attending J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference

January 9th - 12th, 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA

Learn how Pangaea is characterizing patients based on their journey and disease trajectories, by unlocking and summarizing clinically valid and actionable intelligence from patient records in a federated privacy-preserving, scalable and evolving manner.

Please let us know if you are available to meet by registering through the link below or emailing us at

Schedule A Meeting

The annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference is the largest and most informative healthcare investment symposium in the industry, bringing together industry leaders, emerging fast-growth companies, innovative technology creators, and members of the investment community.


Dr. Vibhor Gupta
Director & Founder
Pangaea Data