Pangaea Data is Attending the JPM Healthcare Conference

JAMIA Publication:The Potential and Pitfalls of using a LLM as a Clinical Assistant

Full Steam Ahead: How AI Can Transform the Genetics Journey in Precision Medicine

Pangaea Data Selected for NVIDIA & Microsoft’s New AI Initiative

From Thin Ice to Solid Ground: How AI is Changing Clinical Practice for the Better


Pangaea is Attending JPM Healthcare Conference with Microsoft

January 8th - 11th, San Francisco, CA, USA

Venue: Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, CA, USA

Learn how Pangaea’s product platform is helping to automatically find more undiagnosed, misdiagnosed and miscoded patients for 7,000 hard-to-diagnose conditions. This is leading to improved patient outcomes and screening and is enabling financially sustainable, scalable and privacy-preserving collaborations between healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies globally.

Register to Meet Us


Dr. Vibhor Gupta
Pangaea Data
Mr. Marcin Burda
Biomedical Scientist
Pangaea Data