JAMIA Publication:The Potential and Pitfalls of using a LLM as a Clinical Assistant

Predicting Length-of-Stay & Risk of Mortality for ICU Patients

Pangaea Data Awarded Top Tier Co-Sell Partnership Status by Microsoft

Pangaea Named ‘Digital Solution of the Year’ by UK Government’s Department for International Trade

How can Pharma & Healthcare Collaborate in a Financially Sustainable & Scalable Manner to Improve Outcomes?

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Pangaea is Attending JPM Healthcare Conference with Microsoft

January 8th - 11th, San Francisco, CA, USA

Venue: Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, CA, USA

Learn how Pangaea’s product platform is helping to automatically find more undiagnosed, misdiagnosed and miscoded patients for 7,000 hard-to-diagnose conditions. This is leading to improved patient outcomes and screening and is enabling financially sustainable, scalable and privacy-preserving collaborations between healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies globally.

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Dr. Vibhor Gupta
Director & Founder
Pangaea Data
Mr. Marcin Burda
Biomedical Scientist
Pangaea Data