JAMIA Publication:The Potential and Pitfalls of using a LLM as a Clinical Assistant

Predicting Length-of-Stay & Risk of Mortality for ICU Patients

Pangaea Data Awarded Top Tier Co-Sell Partnership Status by Microsoft

Pangaea Named ‘Digital Solution of the Year’ by UK Government’s Department for International Trade

How can Pharma & Healthcare Collaborate in a Financially Sustainable & Scalable Manner to Improve Outcomes?

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Discovery of 6x More Undiagnosed & Miscoded COPD & At-risk CKD Patients

10:00 - 11:20AM BST, April 24th 2024, HealthTech R&D Spotlight, London, UK

Session & Track: HealthTech R&D Spotlight, Science Track 2

Venue: Convene, 133 Houndsditch, London, UK

Learn how Pangaea’s product applies AI based on clinical guidelines to help clinicians find and connect to more untreated patients as part of their usual workflows, without disruption, and enables financially sustainable, scalable, privacy-preserving collaborations between healthcare providers and pharmacueticals. For example, sponsored by a global pharmaceutical, Pangaea’s product was applied to find 6x more undiagnosed and miscoded COPD and at-risk CKD patients, compared to if ICD codes were used. This work is now being scaled across healthcare providers in the USA, Spain and Japan.

Please let us know if you are available to meet by registering through the form below or emailing us at info@pangaeadata.ai

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Dr. Vibhor Gupta
Director & Founder
Pangaea Data